Teesside University Students’ Union (TUSU) is led by students for students and in March 2025, students chose the three people they want to lead TUSU and represent them from July 2025. Find out more about the next Student Officers below and keep checking back for updates in coming weeks and months as they prepare to take over from the current team.
President EDUCATION Elect
Sai is originally from India and is currently completing a MSc in Computer Science (with Advanced Practice) at Teesside University. He chose to study here because of the practical, industry focused education on offer and the opportunities for students to gain real-world skills thanks to the strong academic support and modern teaching methods. He was also impressed by the cutting-edge facilities and digital resources on offer as well as the focus on career development and commitment to creating a diverse and inclusive student community.
He ran for the role of President Education because he wanted to help create an inclusive, empowering university experience for all students. He is passionate about collaboration, innovation and finding practical solutions to problems based on critical thinking.
“It was incredibly exciting and fulfilling to be elected and it’s a true honour to have been given this unique opportunity by fellow students. I will relentlessly fight for their needs and try to further improve the learning environment working closely with my fellow Student Officers, Student Reps, and staff. I recognise the amazing chance I have been given to make a real difference.
I aim to advocate for even fairer assessments and stronger academic support to help students be ever more successful and I want to work with my fellow Student Officers and other colleagues to further improve the support and resources available for career development and employability. I hope to help make the opportunities for networking, placements, and mentorship even wider.
I also want to amplify the student voice through open consultation and close collaboration with senior figures at the University and be a real bridge between students and the institution. I will commit myself to making sure students voices, concerns and ideas are central to driving positive change.”
Ganesh is originally from India and is currently completing a MSc in Food Science and Biotechnology (with Advanced Practice) at Teesside University. He chose to study here because of it’s reputation as one of the best universities in the UK for his course and after being impressed with the high-quality teaching, research opportunities and strong industry connections on offer.
He ran for the role of President International because of his passion for creating positive change and improving the student experience. He gained a deep understanding of the challenges facing students during his undergraduate studies and felt compelled to try and serve them in the larger capacity of a Student Officer.
“I am deeply grateful and humbled to have been elected, it feels incredible to have been entrusted with this responsibility by my fellow students. This mandate is not just a victory but a reminder that students are depending on me to listen then be their voice and work tirelessly on their behalf.
I aim to foster a sense of belonging among international students and provide support and resources that are tailored to their needs. I want to celebrate diversity and create even further opportunities for cultural exchange, academic support, and social engagement. I want all students to feel welcome, valued and empowered to succeed.
I will regularly seek feedback from international students so I can fully understand their concerns and act on their feedback and I want to lead on even more events to encourage the exchange of cultures, languages, and ideas so we can have even more cross-cultural understanding amongst all students.
I am also passionate about student employability and will look at ways to link up successful alumni with current students so they can benefit from their experience and guidance, I will also work collaboratively with my fellow Student Officers and other colleagues to widen the support available with career development including writing an effective CV or job application and successful interview techniques.”
President WELLBEING Elect
Clinton is originally from Nigeria and is currently completing a BA (Hons) in Photography at Teesside University. He chose to study here after being impressed by the amazing facilities available on his preferred course and the diverse community that he feels allows most international students to settle in quickly.
He ran for the role of President Wellbeing after gaining a passion for representing students as a Course Rep. He also enjoyed the opportunity it presented, on a smaller scale, to meet with key staff in his school and affect change for students who had raised concerns with him.
“I am delighted to have been elected to this role. It’s an honour to be trusted by fellow students with ensuring their voice is heard and advocating for their safety and wellbeing. I have many things I want to achieve after I take office in July but I am particularly focused on raising awareness of the Safe Zone app, promoting inclusivity on campus, and ensuring everyone feels safe and valued.
I also want to work with relevant societies, uni departments and external agencies on nutrition and mental health. In addition, I am passionate about working collaboratively to tackle the impact of disreputable individuals or organisations on the quality of student accommodation and promoting the “WE ACT WHEN YES” initiative which empowers individuals to express themselves positively. I’m really looking forward to starting my new role and having as much impact as I possibly can on the lives of all students!”